Pink DMs: 02/14/06

Pink DMs

Life in Barbados with sheep, cows, chickens and dogs. As far removed from the Civil Service and building sites as you can get.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Hello Friends,
What a month so far! The sheep have been producing again, not that you could say they ever stopped. Two lambs were born today, to add to the four that were born last week.
I didn't tell you about the "Bad Mama" sheep that gave birth to two healthy boy lambs and then totally rejected them when she had a girl lamb from the same litter. Well, "Bad Mama" must have decided that if the animals are all inbreeding, there's no point in having sons queuing up to shaft her so she just left them for dead. We hand-raised them for a couple of days but in the end, they also ended up as barbecued lamb for the dogs. I'm telling you, those dogs eat more lamb than we do but then, they are dogs! Well, today I'm watching the animals, as you do, and there's "Bad Mama" mounting a ram sheep from behind! I have no idea what was in her mind but she done it a good few times! Suggestions gratefully received!
Do you remember the dog produced four new pups at the beginning of December? Well, we gave three of them away and now one of the older brother-dogs has gone missing. So we've kept the runt of the litter. We still have four dogs running around the place, catching rats, eating the dead chicks and sheep and generally making a nuisance of themselves when people come visiting. Or should I say, not... The other day we had a friend come by to collect the white fluffy puppy and they didn't even whimper, let alone bark, to let us know we had a visitor!
We picked up fifty chicks from the hatchery two weeks ago and so far we have ten left! A man came and took a few for testing to see what the problem is with that particular batch. So obviously, we won't be getting more until we know what's what. Considering the last time we had chicks, we got about two hundred and only lost eight of them in total, this is a major downer for us! The hatchery have already said they'll be replacing the dead 'uns but still it puts us two weeks behind with our schedule of six weeks' killing time.
Of the 188 we originally murdered for food, we only have one left in the freezer, so, like the runt of the litter above, we'll keep that for ourselves. At least till Sunday lunchtime, anyway.
The pigs are fattening up nicely; we've been giving them pumpkins and breadfruit to supplement their diet. For all you vegephobes out there, pigs hate broccoli. They'll eat it when there's nothing left but you should see them pushing it around the trough looking for more exciting fare. Don't worry, we make sure they don't get any pork products like spare-rib or ham bones - the dogs have those.
And finally to the cows. The new calf that was born the other week has turned brown. She enjoys acting like a sheepdog rounding up the sheep when they're down the pasture. The cows keep enough noise at night if their calves aren't close enough to feed so we make sure that happens. The other day, our brown bull had a fight with a friend's bull. Michele didn't see it but Tony, Josh and Dad wrestled the bulls away from each other. Josh had to put our bull into the sheep pen to keep it from pulling the ring out of it's nose; Dad pushed the friend's bull to the other side of the field and the friend came out with a rope. After a lot of "playing cowboys",with nooses and attempts at lassoing, etc, they eventually cornered the bull in his back garden, roped it up and put the new rope through its nose ring and re-tied the bull to a coconut tree!