Ram Sheep in a Pick-up Truck?
Hello Friends and Strangers,
I took our ram to the abattoir yesterday. Now I must apologise to those of you reading this who are veggies but I live on a farm, with sheep, cows and chickens. Animals get slaughtered for meat every day; every day someone is choosing what they're going to eat and mainly they're choosing dead animal from the fridge or freezer section of some supermarket or kitchen.
The boy was a bully. Not the ideal option for a bully but when you have some poor ewe on heat, being chased around by several rams trying to get their end away, you have to feel a little bit glad that mainly, humans ain't like this.
He would stamp on her back when she was laying down, exhausted from all the chasing around the fields she was going through. He just wanted to get his end away, full stop, no consideration to anybody's feelings except his own.
Well, the question was how do you get a ram sheep into a pick-up truck? The answer's in the title; you pick up the ram sheep and put him in the truck. A bucket of pig feed to entice him to stay there while you tie him to the bars and that's it!