Pink DMs: 01/16/06

Pink DMs

Life in Barbados with sheep, cows, chickens and dogs. As far removed from the Civil Service and building sites as you can get.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Christmas Week Events

Hello Friends,
We have been busy over the Christmas season.
To start the season off, we were invited to the Nurses' Annual Christmas and Awards party at $75.00 per head. We had our tickets paid for us as we were the official photographers there and got some sights of nurses letting their hair down and partying through the night. Being Barbados, none of the nurses arrived drunk, they all stayed sober through the evening and by the end of the night were as sober as the moment they arrived but, boy did they party! Can't imagine London nurses acting thus! The most intoxicating liquor was egg nog and by the time we left, we'd drunk the bar dry of it.
Then came Christmas morning with a church service at 6.30 am (and yes, Tony came too, and yes, Tony slept through the sermon) at St. Bartholomew's Church in Christ Church. The service was held just for the Moseley Family Reunion and the lady vicar geared her sermon around families, which was nice. If you know the Christmas song, "Do You Hear What I Hear?", then you'll have an idea of what the sermon was about, as she sang all the verses of that and preached on every one. Still not enough singing to keep Tony awake, though!
That afternoon, after unwrapping our Christmas presents, we went to a lavishly-decorated hall near The Garrison for Christmas lunch with seating for about one hundred and fifty close family members from Dad's side only. All food grown, donated and cooked by the family. The introductions just kept coming and coming. Michele took about 80 photos. We were introduced to everybody and everybody introduced themselves to us and by the end of the night, were sure we were related to everybody but couldn't remember anybody. Needless to say, they are all really, really nice, friendly, alcoholics!! Some of the family got up and sang Christmas carols and some did solo acts. By the end of the evening, the party just degenerated into a big table of people full of reminiscences of who, what, when, where and who with!
Boxing Day brought a walk to Silver Sands beach, which is fronted by the Atlantic Ocean. We took our swimming gear, so had to go in the sea. There were people para-surfing but we were not that adventurous. At the first tumbling under the waves, we (that's Pops, Tony, Josh and Michele) decided to leave for Miami beach. On the way out of the park, we bumped into even more family who couldn't get to the dinner, so spent a long while chatting and (for Dad) reacquainting with relatives.
The next day, which was called Boxing Day Proper, we went on a bus tour of Barbados, complete with picnic made up of our Christmas Ham, which Aunt Melzina had cooked for us the previous night. The food was gorgeous; fresh cooked ham, with romaine lettuce and tomatoes from someone's garden, in a salt bread roll, washed down with chilled Foreign Extra Guinness! Heaven on earth. The views were brilliant! Can you imagine seeing the Seven Wonders of the World all in one day? Well, our bus trip was pretty much like that without all the plane journeys! We went to River Bay, passed through The Pottery, drove by Farley Hill, paddled in Barclays Park where the Atlantic truly arrives on the East Coast; drove down passed Bath and ended at Three Houses for the end of the picnic. Some more family arrived with more beers and a good time was had by all. The rain only arrived as we were getting back on the bus for the journey home. We then stopped for a few drinks at the family's Rum Shop (the seventh wonder!) and then made our way home.
Sports Day was due to occur on the 28th but had to be cancelled, among other reasons, for a funeral that half the family were due to attend, so we went to the beach for the day to top up our tans, like you do do during Christmas week!
The next day we had a Family Breakfast, followed by a Family Drinking session, followed by a Family Hurling session in the Rum Shop complete with Family colour photos. Our cameras were not there that day (Thank Goodness, we hear you say!) but others were and we are awaiting the emails.
We'll let you have the rest of the week and the Old Year celebrations next Blog. Shattering work remembering drinking sessions!
Weather's still lovely; only 29 degrees today, though.